Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Poem For The 21st Century

Think positively, and good things will happen. Stop worrying about the negative and start appreciating the good ; for you don't know how much beauty in this world if you're blinded with hatred and wrath.

Always speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Words can hurt or words can inspire,
be guided with the words you say; for your character will be defined on it.

Let them love you for yourself. Do not sway to other's pattern of perfection. Love yourself, bind yourself, create yourself and they will transpire.

Be contended on who you are, not what you are. Do not follow greed and its foolish ways. Be careful of the evil things in this world. Be intelligent with the things you do and follow excellence and let it shape you.

Do not judge people by their stories; for they are right in their own perspective. Listen and understand them; for the mindless, ignorant and lazy are heroes in there own stories.

Respect other beliefs and they will respect you back. Do not taunt their Gods and culture but let it change your view in this world; for you have your own perspective and they have theirs, see the world differently by respect and you will gain wisdom in return.

Always remember that life will change you. You will be broken and you will fix yourself repeatedly but the more times you fix yourself, the more you are unbreakable. So let life break you, destroy you, swallow you, hurt you, and betray you.

Make an effort to make peace with everyone. Your soul deserves peace because peace eradicates the noises of life. Understand that this world is full of sins and broken things, but this world is still beautiful. With everything this world has to offer, find happiness.

Inspired by Max Ehrmann's Desiderata.