Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Dear Reader, 

 I really can't understand on how people just wake up one morning and just decide to lose their feelings to their love ones. It's something that I really can't explain. They lead you on and from that moment you will feel attached. They are inspiration in everything. They will be a normal habit that you cannot just "ignore"  because they make you happy and you can never ignore happiness. They will make reasons like this and like that but the truth is that if you really like someone there are no "buts" and you'll risk it all. You will risk everything and you will take the fall. The outcome of that scenario will lead to two things: to be happy or to get hurt. 

If you risk it, you can be happy. It starts in the morning where you receive their texts. And somehow you don't need coffee for you to feel alive in the mornings. You'll just feel alive with one simple text message. You are inspired to breathe and survive a day because they are there for you. Maybe not physically but emotionally they are present in your heart and mind. They will be your inspiration in everything. When I say everything I mean everything you do because they will know a side of your life that you don't usually talk to other people. With that, they become a daily routine that you are really happy to do everyday. You are constantly thanking God for meeting them and praying for your blessings in life. Especially them. And they will never fail to amaze you with the things they do. And you are constantly charmed in everything they say. It's like everyday there is something new that makes you love them more than yesterday.

If you risk it, you can be sad.  They will still be a daily routine. It's like a get to know each other stage. With that you will feel happy. But for only a meanwhile. But when the rising action falls, you will feel alone. They will just get cold to you and you will be sad.  You will try your best to restore "what's normal" but it will never be normal again. You'll just want to be happy again. You will just want to wake up one morning not missing them. You will try to ignore that by doing other things like a hobby or your studies but in the night, you will over-think about scenarios if they miss you like you miss them or do they even think about you and feel the sadness that you are feeling. It will be hard to move on but you will learn.

Never be scared to take risks. Because that is life. It's all about taking risks, to choose paths and to learn. But  a wise tip: Never love them will all of your heart and body. Because when they get cold and leave you, you will feel lost. Like you don't know what do anymore in life.  But I am not encouraging you not to love because love is beautiful. It's the building foundation of everything nice and beautiful here on Earth. Just be cautious on who are trying to have your heart. But when they do capture your heart, they should never really stop trying everyday to make you feel that you are lucky and blessed that you are live.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dear Future Girlfriend (Letter #2)

Dear Future Girlfriend,

One day, I hope you can read all of this.

I will always fight for you. I will always be here to say “you can do it” and if you can’t, I’m always here to help you. And to never let a day go by without talking to you.
I will make sure that your happiness will come first and my love for you will always be consistent. I will make sure to make you happy everyday and choose you every time.
I will make sure that we will never be strangers again. To swallow my pride because you can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
And maybe one day when we part ways together, I just want you to know that you will always have a spot in my heart. A spot that only your name can fit in, a spot that you can always go back to, and a spot where you’re always treated like a queen.
I can’t keep all of this promises because I’m only a guy. But I will promise you one thing that I know I can keep is that whenever you’re trying, I will never give up on you. To always fight for you and to not promise you a “forever” but to show you everyday that there is one.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentines Day


I am back. I don't really know why but I am inspired to write a blog about Valentines Day.... Well to help you guys, I'm gonna tell you the story of Valentines day. It was during the reign of the Roman Empire. Christianity was banned and Christians were tortured at that time. So sacraments of Christianity were highly illegal so if you get caught, you'll get tortured and you will die. So there was a guy named St. Valentine. He believed that the power of love can overcome anything so he then marries Christians secretly. Maybe in catacombs or in secret hideouts. So then he got caught and he became a martyr for believing in love and his faith. 

Now, people living today use Valentines as a way to show their love for their mate. They buy them flowers, they buy them big teddy bears and they buy them chocolates. They use one night to show them that they will love them unconditionally in one night. But here I am questioning all of the people who only use February 14 to actually show that they care. 

Bro, if you do love her, you won't just use one day to actually show to her that you care for her. Show to her that you will love her unconditionally and show to her that you care for her. You shouldn't just be a gentleman for one night, you should always be a gentleman whenever she's around. You know? Open doors for her, etc-etc. Show to her that she means to you more than she knows. Make little efforts from time to time, or surprise her. It's easy to say all of these things but it's hard to do. But if you really really like her, nothing can block your path.

If you're actually single this Valentines, don't worry. You'll get your chance soon. So just go with the flow. Here's my advice though, you don't have to be bitter that you don't have a date. Valentine's day isn't just about a girlfriend or a boyfriend. It's about love. You can share your love to your friends and family! So stop bitter tweeting about it and just show your love to your family and friends. 

I'm getting off topic but if you truly love someone, you wouldn't just use one day to prove it. You must love that person 365 days. One of everyday you did, you do and you will love that person. Because you must feel that whenever that person is around, it's always Valentines Day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Perfect Match

Dear Reader,

No one is perfect. You are not perfect and you should know too that he is not perfect either. But you should realize that he makes you laugh all the time whenever you're sad or lonely that helps you to think either. And if he efforts in talking to you and admits that he's only a human being, never let him go. Give a piece of your heart to him and let him take care of it. And if you let him sink in that he has your heart, which will require patience. He will think about you everyday, he will retweet really lovey-dubey tweets on his Twitter account, he will put romantic statuses on Facebook and even post pictures of sweet things on Instagram. And in that moment, he will give you a part of him that he knows that you will never give up in. Just don't give up on him. Don't just say "you give up" because of simple fights because giving up is not worth it. If you're mad, be mad at him. If you're sad, tell him. And most importantly, if you miss him, call him and say you miss him. Enjoy every bit and enjoy every moment when you guys are together. Love exist in happiness. I said earlier that there are no perfect guys but there's always one guy that is perfect for you.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Letter #4

                                                     (How I Met Your Mother- Disaster Averted )

I wrote this last summer for her(Actually I write her letters everyday last summer) and this is my fourth letter to her. It's funny because now, it's just a memory. A memory full of hopes and dreams that one day we'll be together forever.... haha.

March 21, 2012

My Dearest (deleted name),

I was smiling for no reason today and I thought I was crazy but then I realized that the reason why I’m smiling was you. I woke up at exactly 3:00 AM yesterday just to write this letter and I know that it is worth it because I’m writing to you because everything about you makes my day and I believe that the sweetest things you can do for a girl are the little things that let her know she’s in your heart and on your mind. Always remember that distance is never a problem. Even if you are far away, you are always close to my heart. It’s good that we are far away because I’m learning the patience to wait for a special girl who lives exactly 8091.5 Kilometers away from me and I know that she is worth it. Because I believe in following your own heart. Regardless of what others tell you to do, it’s how you feel at the end of the day that matters.




This 2013 everyone will see the story of Lucian Bonifacio and his adventures in life. Lucian Bonifacio is a regular high school student who just got into a breakup with his girlfriend. He tried to kill himself but sadly, he cannot do it. One night, he went out for a drink to forget everything. Then he met a random stranger that changed his life, Johnny Red. Johnny Red is a womanizer who doesn't care about his future. Pitied Lucian, Johnny taught him everything he knows about getting girls and his philosophies in life. Will Johnny change Lucian? or will Lucian change Johnny? This is a love story in reverse. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the plot of HEARTSICK.

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