Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Ocean of Sadness

Dear Reader,

Why you should be happy?

Even though you think you're ugly or imperfect there is always that one special person who thinks you're special to them . Even though you think that you're not as perfect as those "models", always remember that someone out there thinks you're incredible and amazing. You are amazing, never think otherwise. I know someone out there will be better than you, someone out there will beat you at something maybe in looks or in appearance... But I know that one special person will think otherwise and they will want you to see yourself the way they see you. So if you're still sad, always remember that somewhere out there loves you! Including me.

 Even though you think that life sucks and you want to die, always remember that you are created by God to be happy. If you want to die please don't do it. Because you're special in your own way and a lot of people believe in you that you are courageous and strong. You are God's soldier and we all know that God gives the toughest problems to his strongest soldiers. So stay strong, young one because no matter how hard things seem, there is always something good around the corner. So always wake up with a smile on your face because even if it's forced, the day will be that much better because the only way to see a rainbow is to look through the rain. So smile.

Even though you think you are useless, sometime in your life you made an impact on another person's life. You don't know or you don't remember but it's true. All of us made an impact on someone. We maybe don't remember or we maybe forgot but when they are swimming in the ocean of sadness, we taught them how to swim, when they were lost in the jungle of depression, we found them and gave them happiness. So never think you are useless because that person that you've made an impact on, thinks otherwise.

If you're still sad, always remember that there are 6 billion people in the world, why let one ruin your day? And if there's ever a tomorrow that you're still sad, there is something that you must remember... You are wonderfully made, you are intelligent in your own way, and you are fearless than you believe. But the most important thing is that even if you're falling apart, I will always be with you... Always writing you blogs to cheer you up. Always here to make you happy and inspired.



  1. So true and it is really inspiring (especially to those persons who feel that they always carry the world). Keep blogging! Visit mine:

  2. thanxs dude..its really make my confident goes up. ^_^ ..

  3. I could only think about my sister while reading this blog. You are so right and all if this I would love to tell her. She is a wonderful person at heart. Made a lot of mistakes in physical form and is currently trapped. I pray she will see the light in the door that god has opened for her. U are a gifted writer of expression. Keep up the great work. God bless you. Demaurion@
