Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Dear Reader, 

 I really can't understand on how people just wake up one morning and just decide to lose their feelings to their love ones. It's something that I really can't explain. They lead you on and from that moment you will feel attached. They are inspiration in everything. They will be a normal habit that you cannot just "ignore"  because they make you happy and you can never ignore happiness. They will make reasons like this and like that but the truth is that if you really like someone there are no "buts" and you'll risk it all. You will risk everything and you will take the fall. The outcome of that scenario will lead to two things: to be happy or to get hurt. 

If you risk it, you can be happy. It starts in the morning where you receive their texts. And somehow you don't need coffee for you to feel alive in the mornings. You'll just feel alive with one simple text message. You are inspired to breathe and survive a day because they are there for you. Maybe not physically but emotionally they are present in your heart and mind. They will be your inspiration in everything. When I say everything I mean everything you do because they will know a side of your life that you don't usually talk to other people. With that, they become a daily routine that you are really happy to do everyday. You are constantly thanking God for meeting them and praying for your blessings in life. Especially them. And they will never fail to amaze you with the things they do. And you are constantly charmed in everything they say. It's like everyday there is something new that makes you love them more than yesterday.

If you risk it, you can be sad.  They will still be a daily routine. It's like a get to know each other stage. With that you will feel happy. But for only a meanwhile. But when the rising action falls, you will feel alone. They will just get cold to you and you will be sad.  You will try your best to restore "what's normal" but it will never be normal again. You'll just want to be happy again. You will just want to wake up one morning not missing them. You will try to ignore that by doing other things like a hobby or your studies but in the night, you will over-think about scenarios if they miss you like you miss them or do they even think about you and feel the sadness that you are feeling. It will be hard to move on but you will learn.

Never be scared to take risks. Because that is life. It's all about taking risks, to choose paths and to learn. But  a wise tip: Never love them will all of your heart and body. Because when they get cold and leave you, you will feel lost. Like you don't know what do anymore in life.  But I am not encouraging you not to love because love is beautiful. It's the building foundation of everything nice and beautiful here on Earth. Just be cautious on who are trying to have your heart. But when they do capture your heart, they should never really stop trying everyday to make you feel that you are lucky and blessed that you are live.
