Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Leap

Dear Reader,

This reflection is about regrets and chances. Let me tell you a story about my 2012. It's like A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickins. You know the 3 ghosts that changed Scrooge right? It's almost Christmas so it's  the novel so well uhm, Well here's my story.

This year started perfectly. Love, money and happiness are in me. Because at that time I met a girl and I was   rich because it was after Christmas. And happy because of the two. Then last February it all ended, the money and love. It broke my heart and my wallet. I was lonely but more than that, I was broken. I was literally sad because I tried to change because before met her I was a jerk. I was such a jerk that I beat up one guy somewhere. But I wanted to change. Cut all this because this is not important because my next story is more important than this, she decided to end it blah blah blah and the rest is history. This is the ghost of Christmas past

I was sad and lonely then I met her. She was the highlight of my year. She was a game changer.   I know it's crazy but for a minute there the clocks stopped and I asked to myself "I think I'm in love" and it goes on through all summer. I think I told her story right? Where I changed my sleeping habits just to talk to her because she lives 8092.00 kilometers away from me so our timezones hate each other and when I didn't go out to party and drink with my friends because I was busy writing her letters because since I changed my clock, I was like a vampire, sleeping in the morning and sucking blood in the night. So like every day I write her letters which inspired me to create blogs and that's why you're all reading this and the rest is history. This is the ghost of Christmas present.

Now my friend helped me to realize that the universe is telling me that it's not our time and I respect that because  if two people are meant to be together eventually they will find their way back right? Well I think to forget everything about her I must concentrate on everything that will make me a better man for the future. But when a door is closed a window opens. Now there's this girl. She may not be a game changer but she makes everything just so awesome. I think I like her but not love her  but every time I talk to this girl, my heart is jumping for joy. Anyways I don't know what to do. But it's possible that she may have feelings for me too. But I'm scared because I don't know where this could lead. We're both broken and I know that two wrongs never make a right. And what if she breaks my heart? Is this really worth pursuing? This is the ghost of Christmas future.

You see my good friends it's not easy it looks to be. It's like you're thinking if you should continue to read the book or just close it. And maybe in another time you can read it again until you finish it and decide to read a book again or never to read again. Just like Scrooge, the ghost of Christmas past and the ghost of Christmas past helped me to realize that life is amazing to be sad. It helped me through the years and now, I think I'm wise enough to fight 2013's problems. And you know what? It's telling me to follow the ghost of my Christmas future. 

This was the year that I was broken hearted, the year that I beat up a guy really bad, the year that I met a game changer who changed me and then left me hanging and damnit this year was one the best years of my life.  Because if any one of those things hadn't happen, I never would have ended up meeting possible "the one?" But I don't know because I'm still young. I want to cherish my teenage years first but with her. As far as you know, my story is just beginning. So this is my new year's resolution for next year, 2013. Take the leap. No matter what take the leap. It maybe worth a try but it's worth the squeeze. You may fail but you will earn wisdom and you may be successful and earn success. And you what? There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or just closing the book.... And I am choosing to turn the page more.

 Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year.

Love always,

Friday, December 7, 2012

Legends (Ray-Ban Contest)

(I would like to thank you Tin Iglesias  for inspiring me to create this blog.)

This is my entry for the Ray-ban contest.

" I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." -Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Roger Federer and Manny Pacquiao. These people are examples of what we call legends. These athletes are inspiration to millions of people around the world. But what really makes a legend? 

One thing we all know is that being a legend is not easy because you don't get what you desire without doing anything; you get what you work for. It's a transformation that you will only see if you search within yourself the greatness that God gave you. You need to train every day, you will sacrifice a lot of things and you must be motivated to train. Being a legend isn't just a walk in park but one thing we all must know is that legends are influential. A legend must be influential that they must possess the power to inspire people. A legend must teach people that the pain you attain in training sessions is temporary but attaining greatness is forever. 

A legend must have desire to pursue a dream. Because with desire comes motivation that will lead to the determination to do it and then commitment will come to turn it into a habit that is a commitment to excellence. 

A legend must be fearless. They must not fear the bumps in the road that they will encounter in their journey. Failures are part of your training. Training in your never ending experience. Failing is not the end of your journey. It's your decision to stand up and keep on running because that is being a legend is all about and greatness will never wait for you. If there's a big mountain of problems in your journey, then climb it. Because the view is amazing."Fall down seven times, get up eight ".

And lastly, a legend must have character. Everyone must have character on what they are doing because everyone can be great but they must dare the inevitable. One thing YOU should always remember is that with will, you can conquer anything. Because the will you have beats the skill of your opponent. Your ability may help you achieve in being a legend but your character will be the one who will help you to stay at the top. Being a legend is for all of us. We must dare to achieve greatness. We must never listen to anyone who will try to bring us down and we must prove to them and show to them that we can do it. Because just like what Lewis Cass said "People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do." So always try and try and try and never give up because only the fearless can be great.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Dear Reader,

The reason why I created this blogspot is for a special someone. But now, it's all gone. Funny, because all of the things written here is how I feel for that girl. And it's hard to make a summary because it's really hard to express how you feel using words. You know that feeling? When you really want to tell everything but you can't because the words in your head are all scrambled up? Usually I don't. But what happened last Sunday (Which I don't want to put here) destroyed all my words. But I think the summary here is that she is the only one who captured my heart like this. I love everything about her, really. I love her eyes, I love her hair, I love her even though I hated her. Just everything about her. Everything. This woman has a hold on my heart even though she lives thousands of miles away from me. She's the reason why I changed. I used to be a jerk. But somehow, this girl changed me. I met somebody special that made me not want to be a jerk anymore. You know? It made me want to  give everything that I got to that girl.

 It was an overwhelming ride. Fun and exciting because the distance binds us will always symbolize the question "what if" because people and things change with time, but memories remain the same. Maybe this is my last blog but you know what? It's been fun. But she we always be that girl that I will forever love. Not the "romantic" kind of way but the way that she touched my heart and planted a seed there to change. A change for a better. Because I know that one day I will be a dad, and I will tell these stories to my kids. I want all my readers to know that I was in a bad place before her. She, my friends and all of my readers and Twitter followers helped me. You guys really helped me to realize that I am not alone in this big world. But I will forever love her and I will never stop loving her for what she did to me. She will never notice this but I know that I am infinitely and iridescently in love with her. More than she knows.

I can see that moment when you know that you are not alone, that moment that you feel ecstatic. That just one moment that you will tell your kids and they will tell their grandkids about those memories. I know these will all be stories someday. And I hope that I will teach my kids that one special lesson that I've learned throughout my summer with her, and that is "Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about".

Right now I am wondering about what will happen to me when I grow up. And you know what? I don't really care. Because one day my future me will experience it. But right now, this is happening and I am experiencing it. And one last piece of advice to all my readers, is that "The best things in life are worth waiting for, fighting for, believing in, and just never letting go of."

Love Always,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Apple Tree

Dear Reader,

Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Boys doesn't want to get the apples at the top because they don't want to fall and get hurt. Instead, they just settle for the apples in the bottom that aren't good, but easy. So the apples on top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb the apple tree all the way.

So lovely apples, never settle for less because in reality, you apples are amazing and one of a kind. If you are single right now and you think there's something wrong with you, it means that you're at the top of the apple tree. So always wake up with hope that the right boy will come along to climb the apple tree because I know that he's coming as fast as he can. We all know that waiting sucks but all of it will be worth it when he comes in your life. And after he picks you up at the highest tree, he must still show that you're still the best apple for him because a real man never stop trying to show a woman how much she means to him, even after he got her.

Every girl needs a man to show her that a forever isn't a word but an action, every girl needs a man that would go beyond her expectations because sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them. Every girl needs a man that would define the word true love. True love is only true when the feeling is mutual. Yet, it need not be expressed in words. When love is true, you just feel it  with no exceptions.

The only way to know that someone truly loves you is when after he fell from the Apple Tree, you see him rise from the fall, climb up the Apple Tree and say “I love you more now than I ever did before.” (Kinda weird because you're an apple... Okay nevermind but you get my point) A cliche I think but it's true. True love isn't something that you give up with, it's a never ending lesson in  life. It's true love if you he doesn't want to give up. If he doesn't want to give up, then try him. Because you just don't know if he's the one.

Love Always,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Dear Reader,

You don't know when you're in love. You can't feel the word love but you can always see it. You can see it everyday when you wake up in the morning, you can see it every minute as the time passes by, you can feel it every time you go to pray and you will feel it when the right time comes.

You can feel love when you wake up in the morning. As you open your eyes to face the challenges of the day, God granted you another gift of life that means that He loves you and He still wants you to serve him. Even though you don't believe in Him, He believes in you so just continue life; wake up everyday and face the challenges because life isn't always perfect. Life isn't always easy. Life doesn't always make sense, but that’s the beauty of life. Just remember that God’s plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged together for the good ending.

You can feel love every second. That's one thing about love. You can see it everywhere in the trees, in the food that you are eating, in the rain, in your teacher and even in your enemy. You can't feel the love that passes by every second because every minute it changes.The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. You can always change it and it's for you to shape up your future because change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

You can feel it every time you pray. The strongest relationship that you can ever have is with God. That's a fact that we should all learn. No matter how we make mistakes, no matter how we fail and no matter how we sin against Him, He always there to listen. He is just three steps away, using the sign of the cross, you can  talk to him, face to face. They say that light is the fastest thing in the universe... I beg to differ. Because light only travels 186,000 miles per second but a prayer reaches God even before you say it.

You will feel it when the right time comes. As a hopeless romantic, I believe in this statement. I don't have proof but I have faith. I know that we expect a perfect relationship. A perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. A perfect scenario, which will forever be in our memories, but the truth is no matter how we set our standards to our ideal relationship, lover or scenario... They will all be an exception.

As I finish my letter to you, I hope that one day you'll see that love isn't something that you will wait for. It will come to you when you least expect it. You know why? Well sometimes God doesn't give you what you think you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve better. So just smile and face tomorrow happy and full of hope because your life is a novel, every day is a page, and you have the power to make the beautiful story go the way you want it to go.

Love Always,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Ocean of Sadness

Dear Reader,

Why you should be happy?

Even though you think you're ugly or imperfect there is always that one special person who thinks you're special to them . Even though you think that you're not as perfect as those "models", always remember that someone out there thinks you're incredible and amazing. You are amazing, never think otherwise. I know someone out there will be better than you, someone out there will beat you at something maybe in looks or in appearance... But I know that one special person will think otherwise and they will want you to see yourself the way they see you. So if you're still sad, always remember that somewhere out there loves you! Including me.

 Even though you think that life sucks and you want to die, always remember that you are created by God to be happy. If you want to die please don't do it. Because you're special in your own way and a lot of people believe in you that you are courageous and strong. You are God's soldier and we all know that God gives the toughest problems to his strongest soldiers. So stay strong, young one because no matter how hard things seem, there is always something good around the corner. So always wake up with a smile on your face because even if it's forced, the day will be that much better because the only way to see a rainbow is to look through the rain. So smile.

Even though you think you are useless, sometime in your life you made an impact on another person's life. You don't know or you don't remember but it's true. All of us made an impact on someone. We maybe don't remember or we maybe forgot but when they are swimming in the ocean of sadness, we taught them how to swim, when they were lost in the jungle of depression, we found them and gave them happiness. So never think you are useless because that person that you've made an impact on, thinks otherwise.

If you're still sad, always remember that there are 6 billion people in the world, why let one ruin your day? And if there's ever a tomorrow that you're still sad, there is something that you must remember... You are wonderfully made, you are intelligent in your own way, and you are fearless than you believe. But the most important thing is that even if you're falling apart, I will always be with you... Always writing you blogs to cheer you up. Always here to make you happy and inspired.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Special Letter

Dear Reader,

“God above all.”

That’s the first lesson that I learned from a very special girl who’s close, but still so far. I know that a lot of people will say that she’s beautiful, she is smart,she is fearless, she is understanding, she is funny, even though her jokes are not and she will never let you down. For 2 months I had a rare chance talking to her and it changed my sleeping schedule because we live in different time zones. But you know what? It is worth it. You know she is worth it. Even though she doesn't know the difference between your and you’re or her stick man figures aren't really artistic but in your heart, you know that in every corner she is worth it. But sadly, there’s always a problem. Distance sucks. But for me, it is not a problem. Because my heart is wherever she’s standing. If I have a chance to teach her a lesson… That lesson would be na kahit gaano man siya kalayo nasa kanya ang puso ko.


Sunday, October 14, 2012


Dear You,

I know this is weird and I know that it's unusual for me to ask this but will you be my prom date? I know it's never too late to try again because 11:11 comes twice a day, because everyone deserves a second chance. Give me another chance to prove to you that I'm not any other guy out there. Let me prove to you that even though you live thousands of miles away, no one can ever take your place. Let all of this be proven if you go to prom with me.

I know that there are a lot of pretty girls in the city to be my prom date but the truth is, I don't care. I just want you and you alone. I don't care if you live thousands of miles away from me and I hope you don't care either because we can solve this out. I mean I can just bring a laptop to prom and just Skype with you at the prom all night or let's just phone all night. I don't really care because my perfect prom is with you and  I hope you'll be my dance because I want you to be a memory that will last for the rest of my life. And I know that you are worth it.

I know I'm crazy to ask you to prom but that's really what I want. Because I know that distance will never be a reason why I can't try again because I will never give up on someone that I know that I can't go a day without thinking about.

So would you go to prom with me? I don't really care if you live thousand of miles away from me because my prom is wherever you are standing right now and  if you feel a certain presence beside you, that would be me, dancing with you, wherever I am.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Future Girlfriend

Dear Future Girlfriend,

Hello my name is EL and I don’t even know you or I don’t know what you look like or how you’ll act but there’s one that I know. And I know that I’ll always take care of you and I promise never to break your heart.

Whenever you have a homework or an assignment, I will always be there to help you with your homework and I promise never to leave you until you finish it. Even if I had a million reasons to leave, I would still look for one to stay.

If one day we fight, I’ll be the first one to say sorry because losing the argument is better than losing you. And I promise that you’ll be more important than pride.

I’ll promise to be proud of you. Whenever we walk I’ll always hold your hands to prove to the whole wide world that you are my girlfriend and you are the most beautiful woman in the world.

I’ll try in every possible way to make you happy and safe and will let you show that forever really doesn’t end.

I’ll dance with you even though there’s no music playing, and I’ll kiss you in the rain and I will show you that real life is better than the movies.

Explaining to you how much and why I love you would be as simple as counting the stars, it is impossible.

For now, I just have to wait because God is busy making my love story and all of the best love stories have one thing in common, you have to go against the odds to get there. You’re Nemo. And saying “You’re my Nemo” is a simple way of saying: “I’d search every inch of the world to find you.” But for now, I have to wait but I promise that I’ll find you.

You are the reason I look forward to waking up in the morning.
Love, El

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10,2012

Dear Reader,

This is my own guide on how to be a lady. Again, this is an observation. So here's my own list....

1.) Studies over relationships.

Ladies, love isn't something to be prepared because it will come naturally and if it comes, ready or not, you will be ready. So hit on the books first because intelligence is sexy and one last tip, always remember that a smart girl knows how to love... But a smarter girl knows who to love. (If that right person comes).

2.) Always smile.

Ladies, you don't need to wear make up to be beautiful, or wear really short shorts that pervs would totally glue their eyes on... You just need to smile. As they say "the sexiest curve on a female's body is her smile." So always smile! Because you just don't know who's falling in love with your smile.

3.) Stop getting involved in relationships for the wrong reasons.

Ladies, relationships must be chosen wisely. It's better than to be alone than to have bad company. There's no need to rush things because it will come. Not today but eventually.... But when that time comes, for the right person, the right time and the for the best reason... Fall in love. "Fall in love when you're ready. Not when you're lonely."

4.) Imperfections are perfection.

Ladies, God created us to be unique, that's why we have imperfections. Always remember that your imperfections make you human and never let it define you because you're better than that because I know there's always going to be that one girl who's prettier than you, but you've just got to find that one guy who doesn't care.

5.) You deserve better.

Ladies, if a guy breaks your heart, then stop whining about it because he doesn't deserve you. Let's just say that God saved you from a guy who's not willing to give everything to you, that's why he did that. So stop making indirect tweets about him, stop waiting for his text because nothing will happen. Be a lady with class and attitude because he is not irreplaceable. Always remember that the best revenge is to look good.

6.) The "Right One"

 Ladies, if you want your "Prince Charming" to find you, then be a damsel in distress. Easy at that. Ladies, never play cheap with your heart. Because the heart costs more than you ever imagined. Never let be fooled with guys who has a sharpened tongue, a guy who promises but doesn't do actions. 

If you already met that guy, never let him go, never ignore his efforts, never make him feel that you don’t like him, and lastly, never let him wait for nothing because the truth is, we are not afraid of being in love. We are only afraid of not being loved in return. If you think you've done all that, then you will see a perfect guy for your perfect imperfections. And always remember that any guy can love a thousand girls, but only a rare guy can love one girl in a thousand ways.

My guide is entirely on "love" actually... Because that's our society right now. We easily say we love that person but in the end, we assume. That's why we're always hurt. So here's my guide I hope you like it because you can’t make the right decisions all the time. But you can learn from wrong ones every time.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Disney Taught Me

Dear Reader,

Here's a list of what Disney taught me.

In Toy Story, Buzz and Woody's friendship taught me that we should help our friends no matter what. We should help our friends, cherish them, love them and appreciate them because you just don't know when you're gonna lose them. We should make them important because sometimes your family is not enough to help you. You need friends to help you know what things that you don't know about yourself because your family can sugarcoat your flaws but your friends will help you overcome them because a good friend sometimes tell us things that are hurtful, but they have the best intentions for us. So always remember to care for them to infinity and beyond.

In Monster's Inc, I learned that no matter what , we will give everything for those we care for. Like in the situation of Boo and James Sullivan. The story teaches everyone that when you truly love someone, you would do anything to make them happy even if it means to say goodbye.

In Finding Nemo, I learned that for our love ones, we will do anything. The difference between the lesson in Monsters Inc and in Finding Nemo is the story line that the father crosses the vast ocean just to save his son, Nemo. If we compare it today, saying “You’re my Nemo” is a simple way of saying: “I’d search every inch of the world to find you.”(Metaphorically speaking) and I know that we all have that Nemo that we will do anything just to find them. Anything.

In Cars, I learned that the greatest victories are the people we meet along the way. The people we meet along the way are the people who will give us the wisdom and experience to win life. Life has a funny way of bringing you the same test over and over again, until you pass it. Like in life, you don't need fancy trophies to know that you won, but you need experiences to know what you have become.

In Ratatouille,  I learned that no matter who you are or what you are, you can do it if you believe in yourself. In the story, a rat wants to be chef. But as you can see he found a way to cook which is hard but he pursued it with determination. In life, we can compare it to everyone. Because everyone has the potential, but not everyone can be great.

In UP, I learned that no matter how old you are, the adventure never ends. It will never stop. Because that's how it works you just need to cope with that. Always remember that time is a coin that you can spend only once, use it, invest it, and make it count.

In Wall-E, I learned that no matter standards we set for our ideal lover, he or she will always be an exception. In the story, I learned that no matter what you are and no matter what you do, love has no limitations and love will never forsaken you. It will guide you to a right path just like it guided Wall-E to the ship that helped lead the people back to Earth. And Lastly, I learned that people who are meant to be together will always find their way back to each other. They might take detours in life, but they’re never lost.

There are so many lessons in Disney movies that will guide me and you. But I know for sure that life will never stop for anyone. So we can learn from our mistakes or live in the past(which is wrong)... You decide and always remember that the greatest gift you can receive, is another day of life. Another day to learn and decide what's right for you and for others.


Friday, October 5, 2012


Dear Reader,

I know it's hard to let go. You talk all day, everyday actually. You fall asleep on the phone together. You wake up with a smile in your face because of the morning texts that really lightens up your day. You think about then when you're asleep, you dream about them. You spend time with them in Skype dates or even in real dates that really makes you happy. Actually, you're happy whether it's just the internet or in real life. They soon become a part of you. They soon become a habit everyday that makes you happy and you get used to it. Then all of a sudden, they leave. And permanently, they're gone in your life. Just like that. That means no more late night phone calls, no more Skype dates, no more cute messages when you're in a bad mood (actually no texts at all) or if they text you will feel no emotion. The first few days you just want to really really really texts them the 3 words that everyone wants to hear: "I miss you" in every way. You will want to tweet them, message them on Facebook, call them and especially text them really do everything to restore what's "normal" between you two. But as much as you want to try and to restore it, things don't change.  The hardest part is to let go. You always check your phone and every time it rings or vibrates your heart hopefully wants them to text, you check their Twitter or Facebook accounts if they're talking about you on how they "miss you" or if they have someone new. This person that was once your everything is now just a memory. A painful memory that just replay and replay in your head. You spend nights reminiscing everything that you guys did. The sweet texts, the romantic morning and evening texts, the Skype dates, the shared laughs, the hugs and especially the kisses, all the good things that went on during the time when you two were together. You will spend days, weeks or even months or maybe years. Remember that this was just a fragment of time, a memory that will someday fade and I think that the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that don't change; when everybody else does. Your friends, family and God may help but the only thing that can heal a broken heart is time.

But in order to move on and get over it, you have to be able to tell yourself that they're not worth it, and you deserve better, and you'll find someone new. The best feeling comes when you realize you’re perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed the most. It's because hardly, you can't live in the past because life doesn't work that way, life is meant to be traveled forward not backward.  Yes the memories hurt but the memories makes you strong everyday. It's their fault because they missed out on true love. I hope that this is a lesson for them to realize that everyone makes mistakes but their biggest one is losing you.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The 10 Ways To Be Happy

Dear Reader,

Do you know that 10 ways to be happy? It's a summarization of what I observed in the society.

First thing is to not compare yourself to others.

Why would you compare yourself to others? God created us unique and he wants us to live. You were born original, don't die a copy of another person. Just stop trying to be someone you're not just because society wants you to be one. It's your own life and just be yourself and the right people will come love you as you are.

Second thing is that money can't buy you happiness.

We all want to be rich. We all desire to someday buy a mansion, get a really nice sports car and buy everything expensive in the mall. But the truth is, that's only physical happiness. It blinds you to real happiness. Real happiness is free. Like friends, the rain, sleeping, laughter, talents, God and love.

Third thing is to love the right people and leave the wrong people behind.

"We accept the love we think we deserve." Which is a quote from The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Life is too short to love the wrong people. If someone wants you in their life, they will leave you a spot in their heart and not you fighting for a spot. When someone walks out of your life they are giving you the sign there is someone better to be in your life. So appreciate the ones who left you a spot in their hearts and give them a hug. And yes maybe you’re not good enough for everybody, but you’ll always be the best for the people who deserves you.

Fourth thing is to appreciate the little things.

You should learn to appreciate the small things. Because you just don't know if that small little thing will turn into a big thing that will hit your life like a truck. Life is interconnected and if you appreciate one thing, that's a display of love. Appreciate the little things like breakfast in bed, laughing so hard that your stomach hurts, lying in bed listening to the rain outside, midnight phone calls that last for hours, knowing that somebody misses you and lastly, falling in love.

Fifth thing is to stop worrying too much.

Worrying too much can cause you stress. It's okay to worry but if you worry too much, life with eat you alive. Ask yourself, "Would this matter when I grow old?"

Sixth thing is to the Man who saved us from our sins.

God is the ultimate source of happiness. With faith, you conquer anything. You will become fearless you know that God is with you. You will know love because God is love and you will have wisdom because the message of God gives you important lessons everyday. You should love God above all. And girls, your hearts should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him to find you.

Seventh thing is to stop holding the past.

Past is past. You should never hold unto it because it will never come back and always remember to start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.

Eight thing is to stop running from your problems.

It will never do good. Face them. I know it's not easy but God gives the toughest problems to His toughest soldiers. And yes it's hard to solve problems but  that's one thing great about life.

Ninth thing is to stop rejecting new relationships just because your old ones didn't work out.

It's his or her loss. I know you want to go back to the day you met that person and just walk away. Because for you honestly, it would've saved you so much hurt and pain. But that's life. It's the experiences makes us stronger and wiser. Do you think that if you met the right one you will care about your old relationships? And how can you meet that special person if you reject new relationships? You know,  life gives chance to everyone, we just have to wait for our turn and everyone makes mistakes. But that person's biggest one is losing you.

Lastly, it's out there.

It's for you to find out. It's out there somewhere. There are 7 billion people in the world with exactly 196 countries and 7 continents. It's for you to find it. Because the world is a never ending question of "what" and "if" and "who"... It's for you to find it because "Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on what you think." - Buddha 


Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

Dear Reader,

Tomorrow is the start of October. New beginnings. A new month to fix ourselves and to feel infinite. Funny because everyone wants a "love life" this October. I'm here to talk to you about that thing that everyone wants but not everyone understands what that means. 

Love is not easy. Love requires dedication and perseverance. It's not something that just comes to you like your servant but love teaches you and helps you to be a better person than you were yesterday. But here's a tip, the corniest things are the sweetest things. Always remember that.

Love is an experience. Good or bad you will gain lessons. I know that a bad relationship sucks but do you think if you find "the one" that would matter? No. The truth is, the best relationship is when you can completely act yourself and they can still love you for who you are.

Love is a responsibility. A boy must show he loves her everyday and make sure that she falls in love with him everyday. That's a boy's responsibility. A girl must be keen and must enjoy every moment when she's with him. And know that she's the only one for him. And if that relationship doesn't work... Don't panic. Because sometimes life doesn't want to give you something you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more.

Funny because I write these cheesy blogs but here I am... Single. But I don't really care because my damsel in distress is waiting for me in her castle. But I'm sure that if I find her... I'll make sure that she will always be the answer when somebody asks me what I'm thinking about. I'll make sure that she will never fight a spot in my heart because she deserves every part of my heart. I’ll always show her that forever really isn't just a word and not all guys are jerks. I will always show her that every moment spent with her is like a beautiful dream come true and I will always show you that actions speaks louder than words and having her in my life makes everything so special and beautiful and the only man that I will ever envy is the man who will win her heart. I will take care of her heart because I know that the most precious possession that ever comes to a man is a woman's heart. I promise you that if we ever meet... I will never let you go.


PS: She will always be my inspiration... Even though I haven't met her yet.


Dear Reader,

I must find that person who will make me a better man. A girl who will defy all odds. A girl who will someday will walk into your life and make me realize why it never worked out with anyone else. A girl who will be the reason why I look forward to waking up in the morning.

The person I will love will be the luckiest girl in the world. I will dance with her even though there’s no music around. The person I will love will be happy and safe and I will make sure of it. and I will show her that a “happy ending” is not true because true love is never ending. I will make sure that my love for the person I will love will stand any problems that we might encounter in the future. I will never stop believing in the person I will love and I will make you sure that she’ll fall in love with me every single day. I will make sure that i’m the one who will constantly remind you of how much she cares and how lucky I am to have her… And I promise to show the person I will love to my friends and say,“that’s her.” I will be always proud to the person I will love. Whenever we’ll walk, I’ll always hold her hand and always show to the world that she’s the most beautiful girl in the world.

Having a lot of girls is not something to be proud of. Keeping one is. And I believe that the person I will love is perfect. The person I will love is cute. The person I will love is adorable. And maybe… Just maybe… The Person I will love is currently reading this.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25, 2012

Dear Reader,

As I write this blog I tend to think about love. Funny thing about that is I never really had a chance to fall in love. I don't really know what's wrong with me or is it just because my heart really wants a perfect girl to fill it with romance. Funny how people just tend to fall just because someone said "I love you" to them. But the truth is, love is not a word but love is an action. If you really her you do actions not just words. Do you know how love works? It is a give in a take relationship between two people. Actually three people (Count in the spiritual works of God). That is it actually. Here is an advice, never stop believing. Never stop waiting for the right person to come in your life you know why? Because when you meet that special person you will just say "All this time we're waiting for each other." Because your love for that person doesn't develop overtime. It's a serendipity that happens every single day. It flows in you like water. Filling you with inspiration and happiness. You feel it throughout your body, in your veins, in your mind, in your legs and especially in your heart. When that happens, don't fight it. Go with that flow and just be happy.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012

Dear Reader,

I think I saw the most beautiful woman for this year. I cannot say that I saw the most beautiful woman in my whole life because that would be my "future wife" and I haven't met her yet.  I can't add details about her because this diary/blog is a public blog.But I'll just describe her to you.

What makes her beautiful is she doesn't know how beautiful she is to me. She is fearless. She is divine and she is funniest girl I've ever met this year. She has the eyes that will capture your heart, she has the lips that would enrapture your whole body. She is type of person that you won't add any malice because when you see her, you just want to cuddle her. They say that if a boy met a special girl his "greenyness" or "hormones" will change, it's true. Because at some point you will see that a boy can change everything for a girl because if she is happy, then he is happy. Simple as that. Oh wait back to my topic. She will intoxicate you with her perfume that will live in your nose when you're close to her. She is nearly perfect in my eyes and I hope she's not reading this because it would be embarrassing and funny. I hope one day I will see her again because the time is really not cooperating when you're having fun. I don't have a crush on her or any thing but I'm just here to describe her. And I think she is perfect, she is smart, she is fearless, she will never give up on you and you know what? I think she is reading this.


Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21,2012

Dear Reader,

It's the middle of the year and it's Friday. As usual I'm gonna go out with my friends. Funny how it's the middle of the year and I'm still single and I'm not even hoping to have a relationship yet because it's stressful and moving on really really really really really breaks your heart into a million pieces. I can't say to you to not fall in love because it will leave a scar in your heart or even never try to fall in love because that doesn't work that way. Yes sure it will leave a scar or it will a trauma... But we're human. It's the experiences that makes us stronger and wiser. But you know what? Here's what I will say to you: Never stop trying. Never postpone the chance to love because it's a rare opportunity. If you think that person is the one, never give up and never  lose a chance of saying "I love you" to that person (oh boy here's me again being cheesy) but it's true! Because you just don't know if that person you're talking to will be with you in a rest house in the beach   with you and that person sitting on a rocking chair holding hands together while you watch your grand kids playing in the sand while you and that person look eye to eye and heart to heart and saying "no regrets" to each other without using your mouths, but using your hearts. But for the meantime, just say hi and be friendly to people... Because we just don't know.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Dear Reader,

All people wants to leave a legacy here on Earth. Like me, I am Muay Thai player. Muay Thai is kickboxing. It was developed in Thailand and it's MMA  (for your information) and I want to leave something before I leave the world. Like I don't know maybe a Olympic medal and represent the Philippines in the Olympics or maybe a spot in the hall of fame and the grand kids of my kids will say "That is my grandfather." The thing is in order for you to achieve something you must sacrifice one thing. Which is hard. But the will of me achieving something great overcame the power of what I want. So I will sacrifice my social life for just 1 month and I will eat only vegetables and water which doesn't have taste in it. So it means that I won't eat any delicious food like Mcdonalds or even pastas or pork. Now I don't really care because I know that God wants me to be someone and I know that with Him, I am fearless. Fearless in a way that I can conquer any problems that I will encounter. One month of sacrifice is a lifetime worth of achievements for me and I really want to be "someone".

If you want something, go get it. And if it doesn't knock in your door then knock on its door. You know, you just don't know if you're be someone... But everyone can be someone in their own special way. If you find that "something" that you really want to do... Then never let it go. Never miss a chance to get it while its hot because maybe just maybe... the juice is worth the squeeze.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012

Dear Reader,

I watched The Girl Next Door movie. You know? It's a story about an average boy and his neighbor who changed his life and while in the process, he changed her life too. The girl was in the adult movie industry while the boy was in his Senior year. The movie is really cool actually. It's when love happens unexpectedly. Because as you see, when you go deeper into someone you'll have a tendency to fall in love with that person.   Which happened when the boy followed the girl in Las Vegas just for her to know that "she is the greatest thing that happened to him."As I watch the movie I tend to to think about myself. I'm a normal average boy... When will my "Girl next door" will come? Maybe tomorrow? Or even a month? I just don't know. But pretty sure I am prepared to give her the best and I know that I'm not perfect. But I will try in every possible way to make her happy. Because I'm that kind of person who is happy whenever I see someone I love happy which is a good thing about me. It's kinda funny because the movie is kinda "porny" (A made up word) and it's kinda awkward because my mom is in the back with my dad but I don't care because the movie's really awesome and it made me want to write you this.

People want to change for their love ones. But the truth is, love doesn't need for you to change. It just needs you to be yourself because that's love. It doesn't have any conditions, it doesn't have any exceptions and especially, it doesn't need anybody else just you and that special person. That's what I learned from the movie.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

True Love

2 hearts, 2 souls, 1 beat. What is the definition of love? Movies, love poems, stories, and even your grand parents manifested it. But how can you see true love? How can you feel it? and how can you make it stay? Because everybody knows how to love, but only few people know how to stay in love with one person for a very long period of time.

There are 10 ways to love: listen, speak, give, pray, answer, share, enjoy, trust, forgive, promise. And if you want to love you must follow them in order for your relationship to work and for you to have a “forever and ever.”

True love for me is when I pause a Temple Run game for that girl, when every time I make a wish it involves her, when there’s a spark between me and that girl, when she makes me smile for no reason at all because nobody can make me smile for no reason, except for the one who has a special space in my heart. For short, I just want you that’s it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. Now as you can see, it’s really hard to see love in our generation because the best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you’re completely amazing. But now in our generation, people are blinded by looks. But truly I say to you, looks can be deceiving because once you get old, looks won’t take care of you but that person’s attitude will. With attitude, that person can take care of you, can still love you, and never leave you.

How can you make love stay? When you have someone special in your life, don’t ruin it by making stupid decisions. I mean by fighting? Come on. Fighting won’t resolve the war but it will resolve into a breakup. Truly I say to you, if you truly love that person, pride won’t help you. Try to dissolve your pride and say sorry to that person. Because that person is more important than pride. As you can see, true love don’t just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.
I just want to say that your true love will come because I know in fact that a man is waiting for you somewhere because boys are like stars, there are millions of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.
If you truly love her, you will do everything to satisfy her, be spontaneous with your efforts, be logical about your fights, be romantic in any occasions even thought it’s just a normal date, give her the stars because true love comes from more than just the heart.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find A Guy

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who will love you with your imperfections, who will give you love letters, who already know your favorites without you telling, who will be making memories with you, who will sing for you even though he can’t sing, who will make you laugh, who will love you just the way you are, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep… wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants, who wants to slow dance without even though there’s no music playing, who truly loves his you that he doesn't need to unbutton your shirt just to get a better view of you heart, who will take your breath away, who will make you feel worth it, who wants you to be his last love, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who will do anything to be with you, who will be your inspiration on become a better woman, who will stand by and fight for you no matter what, who will enjoy the little things with you who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on, who will buy you flowers. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you… The one who turns to his friends and says, “that's her”….
A real man doesn't love a bazillion of girls but he loves one girl in a bazillion ways. Every guy has a weakness and every man is afraid of something. That’s how you know he’s in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you. Because that is love. If two people are meant for each other, it doesn't mean they have to be together right now but they will eventually. You will find him someday and he will find you just remember that love will always find a way.

Friday, September 7, 2012

As Fast As She Can

What Romeo and Juliet have, what Miho and Dae Woong have, and what Jacob and Bella have, I want that. But now I have to face the facts that God is still busy making my love story. As I wonder from afar I started to think of the future. Is she coming? That’s a intriguing question that for now, I don’t have the answer. I am still hoping that she’ll come into my life as a beautiful and a complicated woman who will inhabit my soul. But for the meantime, I will stay as a hopeless romantic and blog about the future and how will I treat her. But I will be waiting for an opportunity to love again because love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it. If she comes into my life I will show her that my love for her is like sand, uncountable. like the ocean, immeasurable, Like the heavens, never ending. I’m still hoping that she is coming as fast as she can… I don’t have any proof but I have faith.

Monday, September 3, 2012


If permitted I want to grow old with you.

If we live to be 70 to 80 years old, I’ll take care of you. I’ll show you that even if we’re old you’ll still experience a happily ever after. And I promise to buy bouquet of flowers for random occasions just to show you how much I love you. I promise you that you’ll still have butterflies in your stomach and I promise to put you to bed if you fall asleep watching our grand children playing and I will kiss you in the forehead just to show you that even if you’re sleeping, I’ll always keep my promise that I will love you.
Even if we’re old, I’ll cuddle with you, I’ll take you on dates and I will still make you love letters and tease you. I will show to the world that we’re not old to be in love because love has no boundaries, it has no age and it has no limitations.
And if you’re sick, I’ll always be there. I’ll feed you, I’ll make sure that your tummy won’t have a tummy ache, I promise you that I’ll fulfill my promise that I’ll always be with you in sickness and in health.
And when the time comes and you are gone even though we are far apart, I’ll still love you dearly with all my heart because my vow of “Till death do us part” Can’t measure my love for you because my love for you is bigger than forever. And if they’ll ask me what I loved most about my life, I will smile and I will say you. Because the only way to see a rainbow is to look through the rain. This is not a goodbye but a “see you soon”. Then if we see each other again, I will love you all over again.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Finding Prince Charming

How long a girl does need to wait in order to find her Prince Charming? Maybe you saw him walking down the road one day but you’re too busy playing Temple Run. Or maybe you ran in to him at the elevator but you’re too busy tweeting on your phone. Or maybe you are seated beside him on an LRT or MRT ride but you’re too ignorant because you’re holding your bag tight in case of snatchers. There are lucky girls who have met their Prince Charming and there are girls who are still on their Dragon’s Keep waiting for their Prince to rescue them… But the most bitter of them all is that you can’t see your Prince Charming because you are looking at someone else’s Prince. As you can see, waiting for a wrong Prince can give your life despair. But If you were happy with the wrong one, just think how happy you will be when the right one comes because that is life, you need experience to be a better person but when you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you. You see the worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for. And your Prince Charming is worth waiting for, my darling Princess. And one day I hope that you’ll be a Queen and he will be your King. And I hope one day your Prince Charming will say this “You know, I always thought I’d rescued you from the Dragon’s Keep. But it wasn’t you who I rescued, but it was you who rescued me.”

Who I Am

I’m that boy who would shove ice cream in your face, would wrestle with you, who would watch the sunrises and sunsets with, who would show you off to my friends and family, who will treat you with respect, who would call you at four in the morning just to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about you, who would sing to you, even if I can’t sing, who would dance without even though there’s no music around, who would shout “I love you” in front of many people, who would buy you flowers every single time we meet, who would text you good morning texts and evening texts at night without getting tired, who would stand by you when you’re sick, who would see your imperfections are the reason why I fell in love with you, who would show you that forever really doesn’t end, who would never get tired of saying ‘You are beautiful”, who would never stop believing in you, who would never fight with you, who will make you fall in love with me every single day, who would make memories with you, who would promise you the stars and fulfill it, who would take care of you, who would let you feel that you are worth it.

Because a real man never stops trying to show a girl he cares about her, even if he already has her.

What Makes A Girl Beautiful

A girl is beautiful when she is confident. Because confidence is the key to all the locks. With confidence a person can conquer anything. With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.
A girl is beautiful when she is smart. Beauty and brains are what beauty queens show off that makes them really attractive. With intelligence, a girl will know who to love because a smart girl knows how love but a smarter girl knows who to love. And with intelligence she can foresee her future and with that, a boy is really attracted to smart girls.
A girl is beautiful when she smiles. The sexiest curve in a girl is not her body, but her smiling lips. And boys are attracted to girls who smiles a lot because it gives a positive feedback to other people because a smile is a language of love. Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.
A girl is beautiful when her personality shines. Boys are attracted to girls at their faces and curves but they won’t stay if their personality is ugly.
Most importantly, a girl is beautiful when she accepts herself for what she is. A girl should accept the things that fate got her and a girl should love herself before she loves another. By accepting themselves and fully being what they are.