Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Disney Taught Me

Dear Reader,

Here's a list of what Disney taught me.

In Toy Story, Buzz and Woody's friendship taught me that we should help our friends no matter what. We should help our friends, cherish them, love them and appreciate them because you just don't know when you're gonna lose them. We should make them important because sometimes your family is not enough to help you. You need friends to help you know what things that you don't know about yourself because your family can sugarcoat your flaws but your friends will help you overcome them because a good friend sometimes tell us things that are hurtful, but they have the best intentions for us. So always remember to care for them to infinity and beyond.

In Monster's Inc, I learned that no matter what , we will give everything for those we care for. Like in the situation of Boo and James Sullivan. The story teaches everyone that when you truly love someone, you would do anything to make them happy even if it means to say goodbye.

In Finding Nemo, I learned that for our love ones, we will do anything. The difference between the lesson in Monsters Inc and in Finding Nemo is the story line that the father crosses the vast ocean just to save his son, Nemo. If we compare it today, saying “You’re my Nemo” is a simple way of saying: “I’d search every inch of the world to find you.”(Metaphorically speaking) and I know that we all have that Nemo that we will do anything just to find them. Anything.

In Cars, I learned that the greatest victories are the people we meet along the way. The people we meet along the way are the people who will give us the wisdom and experience to win life. Life has a funny way of bringing you the same test over and over again, until you pass it. Like in life, you don't need fancy trophies to know that you won, but you need experiences to know what you have become.

In Ratatouille,  I learned that no matter who you are or what you are, you can do it if you believe in yourself. In the story, a rat wants to be chef. But as you can see he found a way to cook which is hard but he pursued it with determination. In life, we can compare it to everyone. Because everyone has the potential, but not everyone can be great.

In UP, I learned that no matter how old you are, the adventure never ends. It will never stop. Because that's how it works you just need to cope with that. Always remember that time is a coin that you can spend only once, use it, invest it, and make it count.

In Wall-E, I learned that no matter standards we set for our ideal lover, he or she will always be an exception. In the story, I learned that no matter what you are and no matter what you do, love has no limitations and love will never forsaken you. It will guide you to a right path just like it guided Wall-E to the ship that helped lead the people back to Earth. And Lastly, I learned that people who are meant to be together will always find their way back to each other. They might take detours in life, but they’re never lost.

There are so many lessons in Disney movies that will guide me and you. But I know for sure that life will never stop for anyone. So we can learn from our mistakes or live in the past(which is wrong)... You decide and always remember that the greatest gift you can receive, is another day of life. Another day to learn and decide what's right for you and for others.


1 comment:

  1. For me, ito yung pinakanakakatuwang post mo :-) The best yung description mo sa Cars :-D
