Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Leap

Dear Reader,

This reflection is about regrets and chances. Let me tell you a story about my 2012. It's like A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickins. You know the 3 ghosts that changed Scrooge right? It's almost Christmas so it's  the novel so well uhm, Well here's my story.

This year started perfectly. Love, money and happiness are in me. Because at that time I met a girl and I was   rich because it was after Christmas. And happy because of the two. Then last February it all ended, the money and love. It broke my heart and my wallet. I was lonely but more than that, I was broken. I was literally sad because I tried to change because before met her I was a jerk. I was such a jerk that I beat up one guy somewhere. But I wanted to change. Cut all this because this is not important because my next story is more important than this, she decided to end it blah blah blah and the rest is history. This is the ghost of Christmas past

I was sad and lonely then I met her. She was the highlight of my year. She was a game changer.   I know it's crazy but for a minute there the clocks stopped and I asked to myself "I think I'm in love" and it goes on through all summer. I think I told her story right? Where I changed my sleeping habits just to talk to her because she lives 8092.00 kilometers away from me so our timezones hate each other and when I didn't go out to party and drink with my friends because I was busy writing her letters because since I changed my clock, I was like a vampire, sleeping in the morning and sucking blood in the night. So like every day I write her letters which inspired me to create blogs and that's why you're all reading this and the rest is history. This is the ghost of Christmas present.

Now my friend helped me to realize that the universe is telling me that it's not our time and I respect that because  if two people are meant to be together eventually they will find their way back right? Well I think to forget everything about her I must concentrate on everything that will make me a better man for the future. But when a door is closed a window opens. Now there's this girl. She may not be a game changer but she makes everything just so awesome. I think I like her but not love her  but every time I talk to this girl, my heart is jumping for joy. Anyways I don't know what to do. But it's possible that she may have feelings for me too. But I'm scared because I don't know where this could lead. We're both broken and I know that two wrongs never make a right. And what if she breaks my heart? Is this really worth pursuing? This is the ghost of Christmas future.

You see my good friends it's not easy it looks to be. It's like you're thinking if you should continue to read the book or just close it. And maybe in another time you can read it again until you finish it and decide to read a book again or never to read again. Just like Scrooge, the ghost of Christmas past and the ghost of Christmas past helped me to realize that life is amazing to be sad. It helped me through the years and now, I think I'm wise enough to fight 2013's problems. And you know what? It's telling me to follow the ghost of my Christmas future. 

This was the year that I was broken hearted, the year that I beat up a guy really bad, the year that I met a game changer who changed me and then left me hanging and damnit this year was one the best years of my life.  Because if any one of those things hadn't happen, I never would have ended up meeting possible "the one?" But I don't know because I'm still young. I want to cherish my teenage years first but with her. As far as you know, my story is just beginning. So this is my new year's resolution for next year, 2013. Take the leap. No matter what take the leap. It maybe worth a try but it's worth the squeeze. You may fail but you will earn wisdom and you may be successful and earn success. And you what? There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or just closing the book.... And I am choosing to turn the page more.

 Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year.

Love always,

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