Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Dear Reader,

The reason why I created this blogspot is for a special someone. But now, it's all gone. Funny, because all of the things written here is how I feel for that girl. And it's hard to make a summary because it's really hard to express how you feel using words. You know that feeling? When you really want to tell everything but you can't because the words in your head are all scrambled up? Usually I don't. But what happened last Sunday (Which I don't want to put here) destroyed all my words. But I think the summary here is that she is the only one who captured my heart like this. I love everything about her, really. I love her eyes, I love her hair, I love her even though I hated her. Just everything about her. Everything. This woman has a hold on my heart even though she lives thousands of miles away from me. She's the reason why I changed. I used to be a jerk. But somehow, this girl changed me. I met somebody special that made me not want to be a jerk anymore. You know? It made me want to  give everything that I got to that girl.

 It was an overwhelming ride. Fun and exciting because the distance binds us will always symbolize the question "what if" because people and things change with time, but memories remain the same. Maybe this is my last blog but you know what? It's been fun. But she we always be that girl that I will forever love. Not the "romantic" kind of way but the way that she touched my heart and planted a seed there to change. A change for a better. Because I know that one day I will be a dad, and I will tell these stories to my kids. I want all my readers to know that I was in a bad place before her. She, my friends and all of my readers and Twitter followers helped me. You guys really helped me to realize that I am not alone in this big world. But I will forever love her and I will never stop loving her for what she did to me. She will never notice this but I know that I am infinitely and iridescently in love with her. More than she knows.

I can see that moment when you know that you are not alone, that moment that you feel ecstatic. That just one moment that you will tell your kids and they will tell their grandkids about those memories. I know these will all be stories someday. And I hope that I will teach my kids that one special lesson that I've learned throughout my summer with her, and that is "Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about".

Right now I am wondering about what will happen to me when I grow up. And you know what? I don't really care. Because one day my future me will experience it. But right now, this is happening and I am experiencing it. And one last piece of advice to all my readers, is that "The best things in life are worth waiting for, fighting for, believing in, and just never letting go of."

Love Always,


  1. Dear El,

    Never let one girl steal your words, because time is a gift, and the sands heal all wounds. The trick is waiting, growing, learning. You will look back on this one day, and smile. Never stop writing. Never stop dreaming. Courage takes many forms, mine is talking to a complete stranger. Yours could be to find the strength to never give up?

  2. Maybe not today, but eventually i'll write again.

  3. Dear El,

    I'm 19 years old and I don't really know much about life. But if there's one thing I learned, it's that time lets everything pass by. That bad place you're in right now? You'll get out of it eventually. Just stay strong and be positive. :)

